*If your birthday or anniversary is not listed, please contact us and we will be happy to add it.
- Sunday, February 9th - Baptism & Communion - We will observe The Lord's Supper and have a Baptism service during the morning worship service this Sunday.
- Tuesday, February 11th - Sunshiners Luncheon - The Sunshiners group will be meeting at the church at 11am to go to Jamie Todd's in Hartwell for lunch. All Seniors 55+ are welcome to join.
- Tuesday, February 11th - Parkwood Women's Ministry - Join us at 6:30pm in our new location in the Fellowship Hall as we begin a new Bible Study on "Extravagant Worship". What does it really mean to worship Him in Spirit and Truth?
- Saturday, February 22nd - Valentine's Sock Hop - Please join us for our Annual Sock Hop. Everyone is invited for a great time of food, fellowship, and fun! Please see Barbara Huss with any questions. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall at 6pm.
- Saturday, March 1st - Outreach Committee Meeting - The Outreach Committee will meet at the church at 2pm in Peg's Sunday School Classroom.
- Friday, March 7th - First Friday Fellowship - The Women's Ministry will sponsor a church wide event on the first Friday of every month. Please bring finger food to share with the group. See Cathy Whisnant or Barbara Huss with any questions. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall at 6pm.
Join Us in Serving Our Community!
At Parkwood, we are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus, and there are many opportunities to serve right now. We are looking for volunteers to help in the following areas:
- Meals on Wheels - Helping deliver meals and love to those in need within our community. A few hours of your time each Thursday morning can make a big difference!
- Nursery Workers - Serve our youngest members by caring for babies and toddlers during our services. A loving smile and helping hands are all you need!
- Bus Ministry - Join our team to help transport members and visitors who need a ride to church. Drivers and assistants are both needed.
If you feel called to serve or would like more information, please see any of the Deacons, contact the church office, or see the sign up sheets on the bulletin board. Let's all come together to make an impact for God's glory!